Control Room

Showcasing the stone walls of the 200 year old barn was an important consideration for us to implement when designing the control room. Retaining as much of the natural feel of the original room and efficiently dealing with the acoustics in order to provide a high performance and accurate monitoring environment was paramount in the design of ARC’s control room.

The control room comfortably accommodates a six piece band, producer and engineer, providing a smooth sonic response across the room. The control room also has tie-lines to re-amp and drive remote speakers, with the amp heads running in the control room to allow fast and accurate adjustments to guitar tones.

SSL 4000 G+ Mixing Console

The centrepiece of our studio is the 32 channel SSL 4000 G+ mixing desk. This console is famous for just how modular it is. This feature allows us the luxury of having the best of both worlds with 16 G-channel strips and 16 E-channel strips, 8 VCA channels and the legendary G+ Stereo Buss Compressor. We also maintain eight spare channels strips of both G and E (four of each). For extra resilience, we also have a reserve PSU.

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Cras ac ligula vel sem interdum dictum. Fusce vitae nunc vitae risus vestibulum vestibulum. Praesent massa libero, pellentesque id pharetra ac, finibus in urna. Sed id luctus odio. Vivamus mollis dictum magna vitae scelerisque. Aliquam lobortis mauris pulvinar nunc condimentum congue. Nulla est nibh, ultrices ac posuere vitae, imperdiet ut orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus nec lacus vitae erat vehicula malesuada vel porta nunc. Nullam lobortis diam sit amet nibh sagittis, in elementum velit fermentum. Integer id scelerisque dolor.